317-902-0151 mike@mobriancpa.com

Some business events only happen once in a while. But when they do, it is important to have a consultant who has been there and done that on your side. I will help ensure the best possible financial outcome without the costly overhead of a full-time CFO.

Here are areas where my expertise can work for you:

  • Acquisition/new business line review and analysis including bank or equity financing.
  • Analysis for the sale of a business line.
  • Negotiations with creditors on a plan for reorganization.
  • Establish compensation and benefits policy and plans.
  • Design profit sharing plan based on key performance indicators.
  • Guidance on valuation of the business for sale.
  • Work with attorneys to prepare business due diligence for sale.
  • Work with outside accountants, investment bankers and legal counsel during sale.

Getting Started

These services are provided and priced based on each situation. All these services can be bundled with Monthly or Quarterly packages.

My Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with my efforts after 30 days, I will make every effort to remedy your concerns. If I cannot do this to everyone’s satisfaction, you may cancel the remainder of our agreement with no further charges.

Ask Mike

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